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While we often explore the elements – Earth, Air, Fire & Water – on our mats, it is important that we are able to take them out of that space and apply them in our daily lives. With this in mind, here are some suggestions on how to connect with the elements off your mat:


Β Earth Element

🍁 Spend time in nature. Go for a walk, sit in the garden, or take a few minutes at an open window. It all counts.

🍁 Walk or stand in bare feet. Outdoors if you like, but indoors will do just find. Visualise connect with the earth even though there may be floors between you and the actual ground outside.

🍁 Touch things in the natural world – brush the leaves or tree trunks with your fingers. Touch the grass with hands or feet.

🍁 Wear autumnal colours – reds, golds, browns

🍁 Smells like sandalwood, cedar or patchouli can help you connect to the earth element. It doesn’t have to be the old 1970s incense sticks you use either – though personally I’m a big fan of them!

🍁 Use mantra – you can repeat a mantra to yourself at any time, either out loud or in your head. These can be a very powerful way to tap into the qualities of earth that you need in any moment. Examples are: I am stable, I am grounded, I am secure, I am calm


Air Element

🌬️ Connect to yourself – place one or both of your hands over your heart space (the centre of your chest) and breathe into it. Notice your thoughts and feeling, not just the emotional response but the physical sensations. Be with them, without trying to change anything and notice if they amplify or diminish.

🌬️ Do things that bring you joy – this can be anything that makes your heart happy. Watch your favourite film, read a book you love, eat something yummy, dance around the living room, run, skip, jump. Whatever taps into your joy – do it!

🌬️ Smells like Spearmint, Lavender, Lime, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Ylang Ylang are great for promoting an Airy feeling.

🌬️ Use mantra – you can repeat a mantra to yourself at any time, either out loud or in your head. These can be a very powerful way to tap into the qualities of air that you need in any moment. Examples are: I love, I am accepting, I am connected, I am loved, I accept, I am kind, I am compassionate, I forgive


Β Fire Element

πŸ”₯ Get the blood pumping and create some heat in your body. This doesn’t have to be a yoga practice, but anything that gets the circulation going. Perhaps dance round the house, do a workout, go for a walk. Anything that will create heat in the body.

πŸ”₯ Spend time doing things that fire your passion, whatever that may be. We all have something that really fires us up, and by that I don’t mean tapping into anger or aggression or even lust. What is it that makes you feel alive without draining you, the thing that you could spend hours doing or talking about without losing interest? Whatever that is, do more of it! For some of us it is a hobby, an interest, our profession, spending time with our family. Figure out what that is for you and make it a priority in your life.

πŸ”₯ Rest. Being our own “fire keeper” comes with a responsibility and that is to tend to our fire. If we spend all of our life living in extremes, whatever end of the spectrum that is we will only cause ourselves harm long term. While stoking our fire and finding things that motivate us to keep going is important, it is also vital that we don’t run ourselves into the ground and end up burned out.

πŸ”₯ Light some candles or your fire, if you have one, and enjoy the warmth & glow of it. You can even try a candle meditation!

πŸ”₯ Smells like Geranium, Orange, Cinnamon, Cedar and Frankincense are a wonderful way to connect to the fire element.

πŸ”₯ Use mantra – you can repeat a mantra to yourself at any time, either out loud or in your head. These can be a very powerful way to tap into the qualities of fire that you need in any moment. Examples are: I stand fully in my power, I trust, I am powerful, I am strong, I am motivated


Water Element

🌊 Take a dip – A little obvious perhaps but one of the best ways to connect to the water element is to spend time by or in the water. A walk by the river or on the beach, a swim in your local pool or open water swimming location is a wonderful way to embody the flow & fluidity of water.

🌊 Ride the wave (metaphorically!) Practice being completely present with what is happening in the moment. Life ebbs & flows, and we cannot prevent the currents of life from affecting us but we can learn to be less rigid, more accepting and more fluid. Being accepting doesn’t mean we have to like what is happening or allow people to treat us unfairly, what I mean by this is that in order to change things or move past them, we must accept them as they are. We cause ourselves a lot of suffering by being unwilling to accept what is – but only through accepting it can we make informed decisions about our future and learn from our past. The wonderful teacher Anat Geiger once said, “Resistance is the least productive strategy.” Learn to accept and to flow.

🌊 Express yourself – tap into your inner artist by getting creative. That might be painting, drawing, singing or playing, acting, dancing, writing, cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting or anything that allows you to express yourself.

🌊 Be more spontaneous – life can get very rigid and routine, so give yourself space to be more free. Now I’m not suggesting you schedule in time for spontaneity, just that you be more open to having plans change, accepting those last minute invitations and embrace not always having a plan.

🌊 Keep moving – getting all the fluid flowing in your body, especially the joints, through movement.

🌊 Stay hydrated – this is just a good thing to do for life, really!

🌊 Take a bath or a long shower, indulge yourself.

🌊 Smells like Rose Geranium, Lemongrass, Roman Chamomile and Lemon are a lovely way to connect to water.

🌊 Use mantra – you can repeat a mantra to yourself at any time, either out loud or in your head. These can be a very powerful way to tap into the qualities of fire that you need in any moment. Examples are: I am fluid, I am creative, I am spontaneous, I feel passion


Kerry x